General Paediatric Clinic in Singapore
Petite Practice is a general paediatric clinic located at Katong in Singapore that is well-equipped to provide acute paediatric care for childhood ailments.
We recommend making a same-day appointment to minimise the waiting time at the clinic for the comfort of sick children. Walk-ins are available on weekdays from 9-10 am.
Acute Paediatric Care
As a general paediatric clinic in Singapore, Petite Practice is committed to tackling a wide range of health concerns in infants and children. Engage experts in general paediatrics for optimal service and treatment regarding the following ailments:
Urinary Tract Infection
In children, it is important to diagnose UTI with a cleanly obtained urine sample prior to initiation of any antibiotic treatment.
Our clinic is equipped with rapid tests to assist with diagnosing a UTI during your child's consultation visit and will arrange for appropriate culture tests and follow-up ultrasound imaging which may be necessary.
Our clinic is equipped to stop acute vomiting so that your child may continue to hydrate well at home. Our doctors are also able to provide inpatient support for severe cases which may require admission.
At Petite Practice, we help in evaluating the cause of your child's fevers and teach parents how to monitor the symptoms of the underlying illness.
Our clinic is able to provide nasal suction and nebulizer treatments where indicated. We also monitor your child's oxygen saturation to ensure that it is safe to continue home observation. We are equipped to perform rapid tests for influenza and respiratory syncytial virus.
While most babies and children with bronchiolitis can recover at home, some babies with more severe symptoms may require inpatient support during recovery. Our doctors will be able to continue your child's care in an inpatient setting when necessary.
We are able to manage acute constipation episodes and provide management and follow-up for chronic constipation issues.
Our clinic supports children with asthma with acute episodes and long-term follow-up with guided care plans. Our doctors are also able to continue your child's care in an inpatient setting when necessary.
Upper respiratory tract infections
Our doctors advise on natural remedies to assist with supporting your child's body in its recovery and prescribe medications only as necessary. We perform rapid influenza tests in clinically indicated cases.
Minor cuts and burns
Kindly visit the A&E for larger wounds in young children which may require sedation for suturing.
We are also equipped to manage and dress simple burns in children.
Minor falls and head injury
Simple wound management
General Checkups and Immunizations
Our general paediatrics services extend to checkups and immunisations. These services are crucial for the prompt treatment of potential health issues and developmental delays. They also protect your child from potentially dangerous illnesses.
Developmental assessments and milestone checks for infants and children
6 weeks to 2 months
4 months
6 months
12 months
18 months
30 months
48 months
Routine Childhood Vaccinations (Local and Overseas schedules)
Our clinic follows and offers the recommended Singapore National Childhood Immunisation Schedule. We are also able to follow the home vaccination schedules of various countries and can advise on modified schedules to keep up with local vaccination regulations.
For schedule detail click here
Travel vaccinations
Hepatitis A (12 month of age, 2 doses 6 months apart.)
Typhoid (2 years of age, 1 dose every 2 years as required for travel exposures.)
Meningococcus ACWY (6 weeks of age, 2-3 doses. Schedule differs based on age of child.)
Meningococcus B (2 months of age, 2-3 doses. Schedule differs based on age of child.)
Japanese encephalitis (2 months of age, 2 doses 2 months apart.)
Seasonal influenza vaccination (6 months of age, 6- 12 monthly following seasonal flu patterns.)
It is advised to consult for your travel vaccinations at least 1 month prior to your travel date.
Please call ahead so that arrangements can be advised for these vaccinations.
Seasonal Flu Vaccinations
Routine newborn care
Petite Practice is an excellent choice for new parents seeking general paediatricians in Singapore. We closely monitor and evaluate your newborn’s development to ensure optimal health.
Weight checks
Non-invasive skin jaundice monitoring
Our clinic is equipped to provide painless skin checks with our transcutaneous bilirubin monitor to reduce the need for blood monitoring in newborn infants.
Infants who require admission for phototherapy for high jaundice levels can be cared for by our doctors.
We are also able to provide screening blood and urine investigations necessary for prolonged jaundice which persists in newborns beyond 2 weeks of life.
Newborn skin conditions
Book your appointments
Select one of the booking options
Or contact us using the form below for longer consultations.
Longer appointments are recommended for children experiencing complex or multiple issues.
Kindly provide 3 preferred date and timings for appointment scheduling.